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Monte Verità

Location Ascona (CH)
Date 2011-Ongoing
Status Research project mentored by Prof. Susanne Stacher ENSA-Versailles (FR)
Languages French, German

At the beginning of the 20th century, five young European people decided to flee the big cities where they were living, as well as the bourgeois and decadent world where they grew up, to build up a new way of living on a hill they called Monte Verità. From Bakunin to Hermann Hesse, many intellectuals and artists visited the community and stayed there for a few months or for the rest of their lives. The Monte Verità, also considered as the cradle of contemporary dance, questions the relationship with the body at a time where it is constrained by social conventions. In this closed, but progressive heterotopia constantly crossed by the outside world, will also be built some significative and heterogenous examples of modern architecture.

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