Repensar • Etxa

Location Etxabakoitz, Pamplona (ES)
Date 2018-2019
Status Project completed
Photo credits Mirari Echavarri, Gorka Beunza
Video credits Maddi Barber
Project team Ioar Cabodevilla Antoñana, Itxaso Iturrioz Zuluaga, Xabi Urroz Zabalza · Orekari Estudio, Salomé Wackernagel · Enter This, Susanne Bosch, Román Rey Arias + Asociación Etxabakoitz Bizirik, Inhabitants of Etxabakoitz
Support Centro de Arte Contemporáneo de Huarte (CACH) • Innnova Cultural Navarra 2018
→ Part of the process: Repensar la Periferia
Repensar la Periferia seeks to make visible through a participatory and collaborative process, using culture - in this case architecture and contemporary art - peripheral spaces that have been ignored or neglected over time, as in the case of Grupo Urdánoz in Etxabakoitz. With this process and the visibility given to these marginal spaces, specific problematics can be re-evaluated by urban planners, the municipality and public authority decision-makers. In this sense, the collaborative architecture project in the periphery, developed over a short period of time, with few resources and proposing direct action, can potentially serve as a megaphone to revalue the invested public spaces and the outskirts.
"Having the opportunity to follow Itxaso, Salomé and Xabi over a period of time, it becomes obvious, that they are not only professionals in terms of constructing, handling materials and planning a building process, but they are knowledgeable and talented in drafting moments of celebration, joint creative acts and exploration. It is based on people skills, a lived attitude of collaboration, a joy to experiment, trust in team processes and vision. (...)
The bubble intrigued through its beauty: shiny plastic surfaces, bright colours of red, black and transparent and the clear shape of an oval majestic dome, standing freely on the football ground. It attracted people from all directions, people who saw the object from afar, people who called their friends to come and join, neighbours who were curious about its beautiful strange appearance. (...)
Projects like ‘Repensar la Periferia/Rethinking the Periphery’ can use their utopian potential to offer and demonstrate convivial, smart and useful models and strategies of local change."
Susanne Bosch, Peripheric Agendas